POSTED BY: adminUPLOADED ON: October 2014
Maintains healthy pH levels innutrient solutions
Kit Contains:
pH Up – 8 oz.
pH Down – 8 oz.
pH Test Indictator Solution – 1 oz.
Mixing vile & dropper
Maintains healthy pH levels in nutrient solutions
See Get Up and Get Down pages for details.
See Get Up and Get Down pages for details.
Kit Contains:
pH Up – 8 oz.
pH Down – 8 oz.
pH Test Indictator Solution – 1 oz.
Mixing vile & dropper
FILED UNDER pH Control Kit
POSTED BY: adminUPLOADED ON: October 2014
Thank you for your interest in Mad Farmer Products Samples. Due to extremely high demand, we are currently not shipping sample packs. We will resume in the future, so please check back soon.
POSTED BY: adminUPLOADED ON: October 2014
We’re dedicated to making sure that you have the best experience with our products as possible. Your success is ours. If you have any questions, please get in contact with us!
Phone: (707) 825-9400
Want to sell Mad Farmer Products at your store?
Thanks for your interest. Mad Farmer is a Hydrofarm brand and can be ordered through Hydrofarm or your current Humboldt Wholesale representative. If you wish to resell at your store or have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact them.
POSTED BY: adminUPLOADED ON: October 2014
Mad Farmer’s Silica provides plants with additional levels of silicon and potash. Silicon helps promote strong plant tissue by fortifying the cell walls. This increases the rigidity of stems and stalks which allow the plants to bear more weight and support dense, heavy fruit. Additionally, silicon helps to increase tolerance to adverse environmental stresses such as insect and fungi damage, drought, and extreme temperatures. Silica is compatible with all nutrients and mediums and is proudly made in the U.S.A.
Potassium Silicate – A soluble liquid supplement that provides potassium and silicon that benefit plants in many ways.
Shake well before using.
For best result use with every watering.
May be used as a foliar feed or added to the nutrient mix for application.
May increase the pH of the nutrient solution. Use Mad Farmer Get Down to lower pH levels.
1 Quart
1 Gallon
2.5 Gallons
6 Gallons
30 Gallons
55 Gallons
275 Gallons
POSTED BY: adminUPLOADED ON: October 2014
Mad Farmer’s Oxygenator is a highly concentrated 35% aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution (35% hydrogen peroxide) designed to eliminate unwanted odors.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Dilution rates may vary.
1 Gallon
6 Gallon
FILED UNDER Oxygenator
POSTED BY: adminUPLOADED ON: October 2014
Mad Farmer’s OrganiCal is a highly soluble organic liquid calcium solution that is compatible with all other nutrients and mediums. Calcium plays an essential role in maintaining healthy plants. OrganiCal was developed specifically to correct calcium deficiencies, which may first appear as dark green saturation in foliage then progress into stunted growth in young plants. Later signs of deficiency may include discoloration and shriveling of underdeveloped leaves. OrganiCal can help to remedy calcium deficient plants as well as promote new growth in roots, leaves, and stems. Additionally, optimal levels of calcium in plants increase resistance to environmental stress. OrganiCal is proudly made in the U.S.A.
Calcium (6%) – Accelerates photosynthesis and chlorophyll production, strengthens cell walls and increases cell production.
For best results use OrganiCal as a general purpose calcium supplement with every watering especially when using reverse osmosis water.
OrganiCal can be added to the nutrient solution and/or applied as a foliar spray.
Use foliar sprays in conjunction with a wetting agent and avoid spraying in direct light or on very young, sensitive plants.
Coming Soon
FILED UNDER Uncategorized
POSTED BY: adminUPLOADED ON: October 2014
Mad Farmer N.U.T.S. is 100% natural, cold water extracted humic acids derived from humic shale. N.U.T.S. contains humic acids which may increase micronutrient uptake which can optimize conditions for increased plant vigor. Humic acids aid in nutrient uptake by acting as a natural chelating* agent when added to a liquid nutrient solution. The size and weight of the humic acids molecules allow them to penetrate plant membranes. Essential nutrients and trace elements in fertilizers attach to the humic acids and “piggyback” their way into the cell walls of the plant. This can maximize absorption of available nutrients and lessen the amount lost to run off. Increased uptake helps growers maximize the potential of their nutrient mixes. Using N.U.T.S. can also help to stabilize pH fluctuation. Mad Farmer N.U.T.S. is proudly made in the U.S.A. and is compatible with all other nutrients and fertilizers.
*Chelation is the process that enables nutrients to move freely inside the plants.
Humic shale – Natural ore that is rich in humic acids. Humic shale can contain more than 70 plant derived trace minerals.
Mad Farmer N.U.T.S. can be used in all media including soil, mineral wool, clay pellets, and soilless mixes.
N.U.T.S. should be added to the nutrient solution as would a feed, and used as a weekly foliar spray until one week prior to the harvest.
1 Quart
1 Gallon
2.5 Gallons
6 Gallons
30 Gallons
55 Gallons
275 Gallons
POSTED BY: adminUPLOADED ON: October 2014
The Mad Farmer’s M.O.A.B. (Mother of All Blooms) is designed to optimize nutrient conditions for better overall plant mass. With a 0-52-32 NPK, M.O.A.B. supplies your plants with extreme levels of phosphorus and potassium. The potent formula is designed to provide all the nutrients needed to support an impressive harvest. It also enhances plant stress tolerance allowing plants to focus energy on the production of essential oils, which provide aromas and flavors of your fruits and flowers. M.O.A.B. can also be used during the first week of flowering to support the start the bloom cycle.
Mono Potassium Phosphate – a synthetic fertilizer that is processed by mixing phosphoric acid with potassium chloride and then heated to remove all traces of hydrogen and chloride. It is used widely as a fertilizer when high levels of phosphorous and potassium are needed.
Mono Ammonium Phosphate – a synthetic fertilizer formed when phosphoric acid is mixed with ammonia. It is mainly used in the blending of dry agricultural fertilizers. It supplies Phosphorous (52%).
Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B-1) – a B vitamin which helps plants resist transplant shock and assist in growth.
M.O.A.B. can be used during the first week of bloom to support the start of the flowering cycle. Add M.O.A.B. during the last two to three weeks of flowering for added levels of phosphorous and potassium. Combine 1-2 teaspoons of M.O.A.B. per 5 gallons ( 1ml per gallon) of feed water. The amount of base nutrients may need to be reduced by as much as 50% when using M.O.A.B., overfeeding may burn plants.
100 Grams
250 Grams
500 Grams
1 Kilogram
2.27 Kilogram
10lb Bucket
25lb Bucket
100lb Drum
300lb Drum
500lb Drum
POSTED BY: adminUPLOADED ON: October 2014
Mad Roots starter plugs are Mad Farmer’s premium propagation cubes designed to ensure rapid rooting of seedlings and clones. Mad Roots are made from a proprietary peat based formula infused with a mild nutrient charge. No conditioning is required. The plugs come 50 to a tray, vacuum-sealed to retain moisture, and ready for use. Mad Roots are 100% biodegradable.
Peat moss – a natural, organic soil enhancer that absorbs 20 times its weight in water and slowly releases it.
Wood bark – acts as a binding agent to retain the shape of the cubes.
Mild rooting hormone – to optimize and accelerate rooting.
The plugs can be transplanted directly into soil, coco or any other hydroponic media.
Remove plastic seal and plant seeds or cuttings directly into the center of the cube.
Watch the “Mad Roots” flourish!
Available in one size: 10″ x 20″ tray, 50 cubes per tray.